Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Outfoxed and other views on media

All year we have been discussing and researching how journalists have a responsibility to present information to the public in a objective way. Lately, much has been discussed as well how the media can blow issues (like Ferguson, or more locally North High), out of proportion. They can often make an issue seem bigger than it really is. 

Over the next fews days we are going to examine one view of Fox News, in a documentary called "Outfoxed." It is one group's viewpoint of the journalism, or supposed lack there of, that Fox News is doing. But are they alone? We will look at a few other points of view through the next few days as well. Keep in mind the following questions:

Do journalists have a "moral responsibility" to the public?

Are people on TV "journalists?"

What could news networks do differently?